Sweet Potato and Cauliflower lentil Pie

Clearly i have been on a cauliflower kick… This vegetable is so versatile its amazing and i am hooked.

This pie was so melt in your mouth good, nutritious and filling.  Its the perfect meal just to sit eat and watch a movie.

Sweet potato cauliflower lentil pie


2 medium sized sweet potato. Peeled and diced

1 Head of cauliflower

1 cup of green/brown lentils

1 bell pepper sliced

1 carrot chopped

2 cups of sliced mushrooms

earth balance butter

Nut Milk/Soy milk

1 onion, diced

2 garlic cloves, diced



Start cooking lentils first as they take the longest.  Saute in olive oil onion and garlic until tender.  Add bell pepper, carrot and lentils and about 2-3 cups of water. Add salt and pepper to taste.  Leave to cook for about 30-40 minutes until lentils are cooked and liquid has reduced.

Put sweet potatoes to boil

Put cauliflower to steam.  I didnt boil the cauliflower as it retains water and I didnt want a wet mash.  When cauliflower and sweet potato are tender put in food processor add butter and milk according to your own desired consistency and taste.  Add salt and pepper to taste

Saute mushrooms in garlic and olive oil until cooked

sweet potato cauliflower lentil pie 1

sweet potato cauliflower lentil pie 2


Sweet potato cauliflower lentil pie finished

Now its time to just layer the dish:

potato cauliflower



potato cauliflower

Put in the oven to brown for about 20 min 350 degrees F

Weekly meals

As a vegetarian/vegan this is generally what i eat every week.  It is always quinoa with some sort of peas/beans and a vegetable.  I hate to cook so this is basically what i can handle :-).  I have tried loads of recipes and they have ended up in the bin. Needless to say I basically stick with what I know.


quinoa, lentiils,string beans with mushrooms and roasted cauliflower

quinoa, lentiils,string beans with mushrooms and roasted cauliflower

Moroccan Lentils


1 Cup Lentils

1 Medium Onion

3 Cloves Garlic1/2 Cup Diced Tomatoes

6 Sprigs Fresh Chopped Celery

1.5 tsp Ground Paprika

1 tsp Ground Cumin

1 tsp salt (or to taste)

Ground Pepper

3 Cups Water


Place all ingredients except salt into medium pot and cook, partially covered, over medium-low heat until lentils are slightly soft (20-30 mins). Add salt, stir, and continue to cook until lentils are  completely tender.

Serves 4-6

Recipe from SparkPeople user EJORDANE