Cashew and Almond butter

This recipe is so easy, with no additives, extra sweetners or salt and so much cheaper than the store bought kind…

Roast nuts 400 degrees, until you start to smell them.  Take them out as the can burn quite easily

Roasted cashews and almonds


Throw them into a food processor, stop every few minutes to wipe down sides.  Process until it becomes a creamy texture, about 10 minutes

Cashew and Almond butter

Callalloo Soup

Vegan, Gluten free, Fat free

This soup is so yummy and full of vegetables and nutrients… its the new and improved callalloo soup.   I am from the caribbean so callalloo is something like collard greens, so in place of the callalloo you use water spinach.


  • Callallo bush
  • kale
  • pumpkin
  • ochra
  • zucchini
  • carrots
  • onion
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • some hot sauce always helps too

callallo ingredients


Saute in a dutch oven ingredients from pumpkin to garlic until tender.  Add water, then add kale and callallo until tender and all ingredients have boiled down.  Take an immersion blender and blend away until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste.


Bodyweight HITT and sculpt

This is a full body hitt and sculpt workout that kicked my butt.
Interval workout, set timer 50-10, 3 sets

burpee pushup kickout
spider scorpion pushup
2 jump lunges , jump squat
butt lift knee in
dive bomber with frogger
1 legged squat into warrior
up and down into tuck jump
tabletop ext
supergirl plank with fly
plank hop pushup