Full 10 min Bodyweight hitt burn workout

60’s work 10’s rest x 3 sets

1. burpee side plank leg lift
2.spiderman pushup 1 leg down dog
3.jump squats
4.jump lunge burpee pushup
5.bear crawl pushup
6.butterfly situp
7.burpee superman hand relaese pushup
8.russian kick, kick under
9.iso squat up and down
10.plank knee in leg lift alt

Cashew and Almond butter

This recipe is so easy, with no additives, extra sweetners or salt and so much cheaper than the store bought kind…

Roast nuts 400 degrees, until you start to smell them.  Take them out as the can burn quite easily

Roasted cashews and almonds


Throw them into a food processor, stop every few minutes to wipe down sides.  Process until it becomes a creamy texture, about 10 minutes

Cashew and Almond butter

Callalloo Soup

Vegan, Gluten free, Fat free

This soup is so yummy and full of vegetables and nutrients… its the new and improved callalloo soup.   I am from the caribbean so callalloo is something like collard greens, so in place of the callalloo you use water spinach.


  • Callallo bush
  • kale
  • pumpkin
  • ochra
  • zucchini
  • carrots
  • onion
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • some hot sauce always helps too

callallo ingredients


Saute in a dutch oven ingredients from pumpkin to garlic until tender.  Add water, then add kale and callallo until tender and all ingredients have boiled down.  Take an immersion blender and blend away until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste.


Weekly meals

As a vegetarian/vegan this is generally what i eat every week.  It is always quinoa with some sort of peas/beans and a vegetable.  I hate to cook so this is basically what i can handle :-).  I have tried loads of recipes and they have ended up in the bin. Needless to say I basically stick with what I know.


quinoa, lentiils,string beans with mushrooms and roasted cauliflower

quinoa, lentiils,string beans with mushrooms and roasted cauliflower

Homemade Almond butter and Peanut butter

Recipe and Instructions


Roasted almonds / peanuts (you dont have to roast but roasting releases the oils and flavours)

pinch of salt


Put nuts into food processor and just have patience

note: Almonds take alot longer than peanuts to process .  Every few min stop and scrap down sides.



Homemade Peanut Butter


Homemade Almond Butter

Vegan Black Bean Brownie – vegan and gluten free


1 15oz can back beans(rinsed and drained)

2 large flax eggs(2.5 tbsp flaxseed meal + 6 tbsp water, mix and let sit for 5 min)

3 tbsp coconut oil

3/4 cup cacao or cocoa powder

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup raw sugar(or any sweetener you desire)



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2. lightly grease a muffin pan

3. prepare flax egg and let sit for about 5 min

4. Put all remaining ingredients into food processor

5. add flax egg

6. evenly distribute into muffin pan

7. bake for about 20-26 min

8. Let cool for 30 min and enjoy.



Brownie Bites / chocolate almond bite. Vegan, gluten free and sugar free goodness

This is a ball of goodness.  For all those chocolate fanatics this will satisfy you.  Vegan, gluten free and sugar free.



1 cup dates

1 cup almonds

1/4 cup cacao or cocoa powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp salt



1.Put all ingredients into food process

2. Pulse until mixture is the consistency of sand.

3. Roll into balls and refrigerate for an hour or so.

Enjoy, try not to eat all in one day 🙂


Chocolatey deliciousness

Chocolatey deliciousness


Cardio & Strength Leg workout

This workout is a leg and glutes workout, it will make you sweat.  I did 3 sets with 5 min cardio before each set… Give it  a try..

1. Jump Squats – 10

2. Pendulum Lunges – 10 each

3. Jump Squats – 10

4. Step Ups – 10 each

5. Jump Squats – 10

6. Side Lunges – 20

7. Jump Squats – 10

8. Romanian Deadlifts – 20

Upper Body Blast

This workout was intense, i did it 3 times through.  Seeing as i have not done upper body in awhile due to a shoulder injury it kicked my butt.  Hope you enjoy it too.

UpperBody Blast

5 burpees before each exercise

1.Hammer curl

2.Tricep kickback

3.Lat shoulder raise

4.Chest Flyes

5.Bent over rows

5.Bicep in & out curls

7.Lying tricep ext

8.Front shoulder raises

9.Chest press


11.Curl & press

12.Tricep dips

13.Double arm swings

14.Stability ball pushup & tuck

15.Rev flyes