Bodyweight 10 min HITT interval workout


Bodyweight 10 min hitt interval workout

1 min work, 10’s rest

One arm burpee

V ups

2 jump lunge, tuck jump

Plyo switch push ups

Star jacks burpee

Plank kick out touch toe

180degree jump squat

Spider pushup


8 wide hop squats, 8 wide push ups

15min full bodyweight hitt workout


equipment used- resistance band and gymboss timer

15 min full bodyweight hitt workout
interval 50/10
3-4 sets
5 min cardio before each set
1. jump squat
2. pushup tuck
3. 2 jump lunge kick up alt
4. pushups into v-pushup
5. prison sumo squat
6. dive bomber into down dog touch toe alt
7. resistance band pulldowns / use dumbbells and do bent over row
8. burpees
9. resistance band rev grip pulldowns/use dumbbells and do rev grip bent over row
10. knees in and frog ins

Bodyweight HITT and sculpt

This is a full body hitt and sculpt workout that kicked my butt.
Interval workout, set timer 50-10, 3 sets

burpee pushup kickout
spider scorpion pushup
2 jump lunges , jump squat
butt lift knee in
dive bomber with frogger
1 legged squat into warrior
up and down into tuck jump
tabletop ext
supergirl plank with fly
plank hop pushup